Latest News & Announcements

Workshop on Introducing The Kenya National NMR Centre (KNMRC)

                                                                           KNMRC Workshop

The Department of Chemistry in collaboartion with Vision Scientific, Magritek and NRF Kenya are organising a virtual workshop  on INTRODUCING THE KENYA NATIONAL NMR CENTER .  The details of the workshop are:


The National Research Fund (NRF) Board of Trustees represented by Dr. J.P.R. Ochieng-Odero, Prof. Oyawa, Vainadu Ingana and Dr Salome Guchu held a Stakeholder’s Meeting on 8th June 2021 with the Management of the University of Nairobi, to discuss the progress on the implementation of infrastructure project grant to establish the Kenya National Resonance Nuclear Center (KNMRC) at the Department of Chemistry, University of Nairobi.

Tree Planting exercise at Chiromo Campus

The College of Biological & Physical Sciences in partnership with Equity Bank and Kenya Forest Service held a tree planting exercise at Chiromo Campus near Chiromo River on 18th April, 2021. Equity bank  donated 400 seedlings both indigenous and exotic seedlings to Chiromo campus and 7000 seedlings in total across all the University of Nairobi Colleges.

Graduation Announcement

Dr. Fredrick Mzee Mwazighe successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis titled 'Sensitive Electrochemical Detection Platforms for Anthracene and Pyrene', at the Institute of Chemistry, of the Chemnitz University of Technology on September 29, 2020. He was awarded a Ph.D. (Dr. rer. nat) in Physical Chemistry.