By smbai
on Wed, 04/28/2021 - 11:21

1970 Graduation

Chemistry staff in 1960s

Prof. Robins, former Chairman, Chemistry takes the visitors round the laboratory

Prof. Peter Robbins, Chairman 1961-1976

Prof. Shem O. Wandiga, Chairman 1976-1983

Prof. Abdulghafur El-Busaidy, Chairman 1983-1992

Prof. Peter M. Gitu, Chairman 1992-1997

Prof. David N. Kariuki, Chairman 1998-2001

Prof. Isaac Jumba, Chairman 2002-2007

Prof. Duke O. Orata, Chairman 2007-2009

Prof. Amir O. Yusuf, Chairman 2009-2015

Prof. John M. Onyari, Chairman 2015 to date

Historic Great court Graduation square at main campus

sports day

An Attentive Audience at Inaugural lecture