Following the success of the First International Inorganic Chemistry Conference in 2018, we hereby announce the Second International Inorganic Chemistry Conference, that will be held virtually on 1st– 2nd October 2020, at the University of Nairobi, Kenya. The Conference is jointly being organized by the Department of Chemistry, University of Nairobi and the International Science Programme of Uppsala University, Sweden.
The conference’s objective is to discuss trends of Inorganic chemistry in social development through research, industry and academia in view of the pandemic. The conference will bring together practicing chemists in industry, academia, researchers, entrepreneurs and policy makers to discuss the trends and wider application of Inorganic Chemistry in social development and environmental management in Africa in general.
On behalf of the organizing committee, we cordially invite you to participate in the Conference by submitting an abstract, for consideration of virtual oral presentation. Upon acceptance of abstract and subsequent presentation of your work, participants will be required to submit full manuscripts to the conference organizers for consideration of publication in the African Journal of Physical Sciences.
1) Trends in syntheses and applications of Inorganic chemistry
2) Nanochemistry and application of nanomaterials
3) Environmental Pollution Management
4) Advances in mineral extractive technologies
5) Information Technology application in Theoretical Chemistry teaching
6) E-learning of Inorganic Chemistry