The University of Nairobi led by the Department of Chemistry joined the rest of the world to mark the 12th International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of Action (ILPPWA) on 20th- 26th October 2024.The UoN has played a lead role in the advocacy and awareness of Lead Poisoning Prevention for the past 13 years. as part of the activities for the #ILPPWA2024  through a multi-sectoral committee led by the Government through the Ministry of Health,  Ministry of Environment, Basco paints and other partners. 

Lead in paint was identified as a key emerging policy issue of concern during the 2nd International Conference on Chemicals Management in 2009. The Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint (GAELP) was successively launched in 2011 as a voluntary initiative under the leadership of UNEP and WHO aimed at the global phase-out of lead in paint in all applications to prevent continued harm. For this reason, the International Lead Poisoning Week of Action (ILPPWA) has been held in the last week of October since 2013 to prevent childhood lead exposure. Kenya is one of the eleven-member countries on the advisory council of the GAELP represented by Dr. Faridah Were from the Department of Chemistry tasked with coordinating related activities.

Cities in Sub-Saharan Africa including Kenya however, face peculiar challenges of multi-source lead exposure and hence lead prevention programs require a multi-sectoral approach and capacity-building. Kenya has a well-established national coordination multi-sectoral committee for sound chemical management (MSCSC), under the leadership of the Ministry of Health and Environment and these capacities and efforts are being supported with a focus on childhood lead exposure programs. We are therefore grateful to the Ministry of Environment and Health that nominated the University of Nairobi to the committee represented by Dr, Faridah Were of the Department of Chemistry.

It is for this reason that Kenya joined the global community in marking the 12th ILPPWA from 22 – 25th October 2024. The University of Nairobi and the National Coordination MCSCM Co-chaired by the Ministry of Environment and Health among several partners are organizing the 12th ILPPWA. The annual ILPPWA provides a unique opportunity for the USAID MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership, among other partners to support the multi-sectoral cooperation and accelerate programs to prevent unacceptable risks of childhood lead exposure. The efforts and commitments of institutions/organizations, partners and individuals in preventing lead exposure will be highlighted while envisioning more commitment to establish a clear national roadmap to reduce childhood lead exposure for Bright Futures Begin Lead-free Kenya.