Amb. Dr. Josephine Ojiambo is a visitng Research Fellow in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Nairobi. She holds a Phd in Medicine(M.D) (Surgery & Medicine).
Qualifications and Consultancies

Amb. Dr. Josephine Ojiambo is a Research scientist in the Department of Chemistry at University of Nairobi and an Adjunct lecturer at the School of Public Health, Kenyatta University. She works as a Stakeholder management expert for the Kenya National Innovation Agency.

Amb Ojiambo is the Honorary President of the Commonwealth Business Network Kenya and Special advisor to the CBWN international. She serves as the Rotary International representative to UNICEF and the UN office in Nairobi, where she has carried out projects on The safe return to schools and on Covid 19 education on multimedia platforms during the Pandemic. She is a member of the Rotary Emergency Response Committee where she serves as the Rotary liaison to the National Business Compact Committee on COVID-19 (NBCCC).

Dr Ojiambo is a member of the Resources development committee of the Aga Khan University teaching hospital. She contributes to the development of projects and of an endowment fund for the Teaching hospital.

Ambassador Dr. Josephine Ojiambo is an advocate of democracy, good governance and sustainable development. She is the Founding Director of the Peter Ojiambo Foundation : a charity that empowers Young people with technology, enterprise and leadership with a special focus on disabilities.

Josephine is a champion of Global Partnerships in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals with a strong emphasis on vulnerability including ensuring refugee, migrant and child rights, gender equality and reproductive health and rights. She is a strategic advisor on fundraising and partnership development on Non-Communicable diseases to the General Secretary of the National Council of Churches of Kenya.

Being creative, Amb Ojiambo is the Executive Director of an Afro-fusion band called Wahenga: the African sages.

Ambassador Dr. Josephine Ojiambo has a distinguished public and diplomatic service career with deep engagement in a range of significant national, African and global issues. Josephine is a Former Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative of Kenya to the United Nations in New York and Immediate Past Deputy Secretary General of the Commonwealth of Nations.

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