Zachary Njiru Nkunu

Zachary Njiru Nkunu

Ph.D. Chemistry Candidate

Topic of Study: “Occurrence, distribution and environmental impact of organophosphate
residues in the lower Tana River catchment: a case study of river Kathita in Tharaka- Nithi
county, Kenya..”


Dr. Deborah A. Abongo,

Department of Chemistry,

University of Nairobi


Dr. P. M. Guto

Department of Chemistry,

University of Nairobi


Dr. J. G. Kithure

Department of Chemistry,

University of Nairobi


Dr. V.O. Madadi,

Department of Chemistry,

University of Nairobi


Contact information

P.o Box 1410, 



Recent publications

Nkunu, Z. (2020). Electrocatalytic reduction and characterization of Tetrachlorvinphos in
acetonitrile-water (1: 1) media in presence of cyanocobalamin. Africa Journal of Physical
Sciences ISSN: 2313-3317, 4.

Nkunu, Z.N., Kamau, G.N., Kithure, J.G., and Muya, C.N. (2017). Electrochemical studies of
potassium ferricyanide in acetonitrile-water media (1:1) using cyclic voltammetry
method. International Scientific Research and Innovation Technology. 4, 52-58.

Nkunu Z. N. (2018).Electrocatalytic Decomposition of Tetrachlorvinphos in Acetonitrile-Water
Media Using Cyanocobalamin. Master of Science (MSc) Thesis. University of Nairobi,